CPF operates integrated agro-industrial and food business with its objectives to provide products in high quality and environmentally and socially responsible manner.
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CPF is committed to providing high quality products that are nutritious, tasty, safe and traceable.
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We know there is a strong benefit to the business and the society when our people are engaged with their work and respect the differences. We work hard to ensure that we manage our people with fairness, provide them with the opportunities to innovate, and respect a wide variety of differences.
Respect and Protect Human Rights
We have established its Human Rights Policy and Employment and Labour Management Policy as guidelines of management in accordance with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UNDHR) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) to ensure our commitment in treating our people fairly and equally.
The Company continually collabourated with the Labour Right Promotion Network (LPN) in establishing the Labour Voices by LPN Center which provides the opportunities for all employees at all levels in any nationality to express both negative and positive feedback, provide suggestions, file complaints and grievances, or request assistance through an independent organization. This is an effective approach which helps improve employee’s quality of life. Through this collabouration, we also conduct training on labour rights for employees. This helps the Company to manage risks regarding labour issues with transparency and fairness.
Promotion of participatory corporate culture and respect of differences of individuals
We have envisaged the value and benefits of using different ideas, skills and experiences of personnel as major forces in business extension and propelling, creation of innovation and having excellent operational performances. Therefore, the Company has prescribed policies or practices which promote the diversity within the organization such as Diversity and Inclusion Policy, Employment and Labour Management Policy, and Discrimination and Harassment Policy in order to prevent and protect employees at all levels from discrimination due to races, nationalities, ethnicities, skin colours, family origins, religions, social statuses, genders, age, disability or infirmity, political thoughts, as well as marital statuses, and to prevent from different patterns of harassment and threats, thus,
for the benefits of business operation and employees, with the policy-based promotional guidelines, as follows:
  • - Leaders must be open to others’ opinions;
  • - Employees are encouraged to express their creative ideas;
  • - Enhancement of working atmospheres and mutual respects for co-existence on the basis of difference,
  • - Non-discrimination and equal opportunities, appropriate admiration of employees.
We have also supported activities or facilitated foreign workers in the issue of language barrier such as posting up of notices and providing interpreters for foreign workers in workplaces; and some workplaces have also provided opportunities for foreign workers to participate in the Welfare Committee in the workplaces to give recommendations in the points of view of foreign workers.
Connecting our people
The Company recognizes the importance of communication to improve employee relations so that they are engaged and happy at work. This would encourage employees to “say” positively about the organization, concentrate on working and “stay” longer with the organization, and “strive” to continually improve performance of the organization. To achieve these objectives, we designed and developed communication channels and initiatives to promote employee engagement which allow employees to freely express their opinions and exchange ideas at any time.
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